Today we are heading for Desdemona's House (Palazzo Contarini Fasan) (FB and Rigby) and the Salute (an iconic symbol for FB and placed in the background of many generic Venetian scenes). Charles got waylaid by men mending street lamps and pile drivers in the vicinity of the Dogano but was finally brought back to reality and wielded round to the other side of the Salute for more (FB) filming (more people blocking lens etc). From there to Guidecca side of Dogana (of course sealed off and undergoing reconstruction or whatever) alongside which was moored hideous Russian millionaire oligarch type yacht. UGH!
Left the trail, along Zattere and back inland to the delightful Campo Barbaro (back of equally delightful C' Dario c/o FB) and Claudia Canestrelli's treasure trove of an antique shop with Bouffon fish prints in old frames, and malachite boxes (too expensive for the likes of us).
Thence along the back of the Guggenheim (lots of over-priced shops as one may imagine), a few wiggles and into Campo S Trovaso, next to which is the gondola boatyard - which FB painted. He must have loved this spot, the yard dating from the 16th century, a wooden chalet from the Dolomites, the same craft and scene existing almost unchanged 100 years since FB first saw it. Magical. And all the sounds which Charles just loves and was about to record when a WI type party invaded the scene and the chaps stopped for lunch!
Give up - so now over to Palanca, where, it being 2pm, we stopped for lunch on the waterfront at what turned out to be an excellent eatery, and reasonable (by Venetian standards) - probably the best meal of the entire trip, Charles having a fish dish and Libby having aubergine and mozzarella salad. We weren't drunk (honestly) but whilst seated we spotted a submarine covered with graffiti gently nudging its way along the Guidecca! (photo follows to prove it!)
Left the trail, along Zattere and back inland to the delightful Campo Barbaro (back of equally delightful C' Dario c/o FB) and Claudia Canestrelli's treasure trove of an antique shop with Bouffon fish prints in old frames, and malachite boxes (too expensive for the likes of us).
Thence along the back of the Guggenheim (lots of over-priced shops as one may imagine), a few wiggles and into Campo S Trovaso, next to which is the gondola boatyard - which FB painted. He must have loved this spot, the yard dating from the 16th century, a wooden chalet from the Dolomites, the same craft and scene existing almost unchanged 100 years since FB first saw it. Magical. And all the sounds which Charles just loves and was about to record when a WI type party invaded the scene and the chaps stopped for lunch!
Give up - so now over to Palanca, where, it being 2pm, we stopped for lunch on the waterfront at what turned out to be an excellent eatery, and reasonable (by Venetian standards) - probably the best meal of the entire trip, Charles having a fish dish and Libby having aubergine and mozzarella salad. We weren't drunk (honestly) but whilst seated we spotted a submarine covered with graffiti gently nudging its way along the Guidecca! (photo follows to prove it!)

Back to St Mark's and Charles decides to do walk-about with the sound equipment whilst Libby guards the bags and takes people shots. A few more obligatory shots from the Riva.
Decide to take vaporetto out to the Lido and back, feels like a different land - there's cars for one thing - CARS? A middle aged Italian Mama attached herself to Libby en route and explains everything in detail to a non Italian speaking personage who nevertheless managed (I hope) to sound incredibly interested! 
Above: Charles having a few minutes well earned rest en route to the Lido, and filming on the waterfront there.
Back to the hotel after another long and exhausting day and thence to local cafe where a rather diappointing meal - but hey, this is Venice and everything has a certain magic, just sitting outside in a pretty square is worth something!

Back to the hotel after another long and exhausting day and thence to local cafe where a rather diappointing meal - but hey, this is Venice and everything has a certain magic, just sitting outside in a pretty square is worth something!
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