Meeting for breakfast (rather sweet croissants), we decide to tackle St Mark's first. Whilst I studied the map, Charles sorted out the techy stuff and managed to slim it down to the tripod bag, my rucksack and a carrier bag. So off we go - a walk to Ca d'Oro, vaporetto to St Mark's, where, despite the morning being relatively juvenile, we are faced with hordes of tourists sounding not dis-similar to the earlier seagulls. Most of them also appeared to be grossly overweight, which offends C most frightfully, and they had a particularly nasty habit of standing right in front of the camera mounted on its tripod as if it, and its 6ft4in operator, were invisible. Gentle reader, you can well imagine that by the end of the morning, poor Charles was not the happiest of bunnies (to put it mildly).
Anyway, soldier on we did, the big camera, the Super8, a cute little Linux for blog shots and Libby in charge of the Nikon. Piper, Rigby and Brangwyn (FB) had all produced countless images of the Piazza, Piazzeta, campanile, St Mark's, Doge's Palace, the two columns, Bridge of Sighs, Danieli, and views from the Riva of San Giorgio Maggiore, the Dogana and Salute. Half of these buildings were covered in scaffolding or Sisley-wrap, the artists had conveniently moved some buildings to produce a more pleasing composition, there was no shade, the equipment was heavy, temperature 31C. Nightmarish! A ridiculously priced bottle of water certainly helped matters. Libby becomes obsessed with marble patterning (see below) and architectural details.

Collected equipment for the afternoon session and C changed into his beloved Birkenstock clogs. Retraced yesterday's walk. First stop the lovely Campo S Maria Nova where we filmed S Maria dei Miracoli (matching Piper and Rigby images) and made some sound recordings.

Tried the flagon wine (pas mal), munched some olives. Walked to Ca d'Oro but no room so booked for tomorrow and ended up at a tiny place near the hotel where I had fried squid (yum) and C had liver and persuaded me to try some. And you know what, it was a revelation, delicious and not a bit like school liver!
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