Tuesday 29 April 2008


Monday morning was spent cleaning and clearing up and washing and shopping after a week away, plus attempting to get the better of the piles of mail and phone messages - bagged a few more NADFAS lectures which is good - all helps pay for the research. This accomplished, out come all the Piper books and papers and down to a concentrated study of same, finally shutting down the computer at 10pm in time to listen to the news.
Tuesday morning back to the grindstone, read and re-read, check some facts on the web - midday and my draft is sent off to Charles. He points out I should perhaps concentrate more on Piper's prints since Goldmark Art is all about such things, so, after some cleaning up of the house and a run to clear the brain and spark the imagination, it's back to the drawing board and multiple additions of associated prints. The whole process has been fascinating actually - finding out more about the Sitwells for one thing - and guess what, Osbert's boyfriend was a David Horner. A relation?

Monday 28 April 2008


I arrived at Film Farm Thursday 24 April to be met by the good news that Charles has been commissioned by Mike Goldmark of Goldmark Art to produce a film about John Piper and I have been chosen as the art consultant. Yippee! We were supposed to be spending the next couple of days working on my podcast, DRIFTWOOD, and my own Frank Brangwyn Stained Glass DVD, but somehow Piper spread a cobwebby lattice over all, and thoughts and conversations rebounded on to the subject.
It's just the buzz and the adrenalin of something knew, another step into the unknown. We gave up the unequal struggle on Saturday and spent most of the day perusing books, making notes and finally brainstorming. Charles produced a mind map which I annotated and then we sat down to discuss priorities, interviewees, locations, dramatised scenes etc - our minds whirring with schemes, practical and otherwise (often the latter).
I departed Sunday with instructions to produce a film outline by Tuesday. Aaargh!