Saturday, 15 August 2009

edit, edit, edit ...

This session lasted 9-15 August, long days ending about 8 or 9 pm, Charles' shoulders giving him jip, generally exhausting - but we're within sight of finishing at last (although then there's the fine tuning). We watched the South Bank film about Piper and Charles practised the Piper voice for quotable quotes. Also a film of Piper by John Burder which is pure gold-dust and we've been able to use certain bits of footage - a fantastic addition to the film.
Another fun time was had watching the Super 8 films and putting together sequences for the start of each topographical area. Charles has a number of Super 8 cameras and as we toured the country would shoot off some film (as in REAL film - not this digital malarky). The completed films were specially processed and then telecined and they have a wonderful quality to them, quite different from the digital. We found some emotive music for the section headers and some labelling which makes it look as if Piper had scribbled a note for himself in a writing pad. Great fun and rather magical.
The other highlight of the week was watching the meteorites on Wednesday evening - Charles was hugely irritated because he saw 1 1/2 to my 4 sightings!

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