Having packed the car we drove the short distance to the parish church where we photographed Piper's memorial window to Britten.
Thence to check out Maggie Hambling's beautiful shell (also a Britten memorial) and get some super 8 film of the Martello tower, bought some herrings and potted shrimps for supper from a beach shack (CM INSISTED I include their logo - see below) and on to Snape to replicate Piper's print. Unfortunately the sun was just at the wrong angle so we retired to the Granary for a delicious and most welcome hot courgette and herb soup, had a look in the shop to see if they had pencils to add to the collection (but too up market for that sort of malarky). Back to the grindstone and this time the sun had moved behind the trees so we more or less got the view we wanted. And you can see my trusty steed China (silvery Alfa Romeo) in the right hand photo - she who has performed such sterling work this summer taking us all over Britain.

And back to Film Farm, a delighted Pepper (the feline) and some yummy herrings in oatmeal cooked by Chef Charles @ Hare in the Gate (an excellent restaurant, well recommended).

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