The week following our return from Venice Charles processed all 900 photos and 475 film clips which he handed over to me to name and sort out 5th June before he departed for Mexico the following day - this was no jaunt but a very tiring trip with the British Museum.
Following a drive down to Wales to film Gareth making my stained glass panel, we've been holed up for 2 days getting our heads round Piper once more, and sorting out a running order, following which we put together a starter sequence and actually produced 3 whole minutes of finished film! Yippee! At least we feel we've started on the final production which has to be complete by the end of August allowing tweaking and time to make the DVDs before the grand opening now 27th September.
Libby's job until the next scheduled edit session (9-11 July) is to firm up the film sequence with relevant interviews, film, narrative, images etc. Charles' job should be aiming to recover but he's got a week of Joe the Bear and Charlotte Bach editing in store. No rest for the ...
The highlight of the 2 days was when Charles' latest acquisition arrived from Australia - a soundman hat, so that he can wear headphones whilst also preventing the top of his head and his neck from burning, and there's even a toggle to prevent said hat flying away. Even Libby, who had been hugely sceptical about the accessory, had to admit that it was fit for purpose!