Friday, 30 January 2009

A mild diversion

We were to have done some editing on the Curwen material 28-30 January but the previous week Mike Goldmark rang up - what did I know about Epstein? Not a lot, but I'm a fast learner. Did I fancy doing a piece to camera about his Epstein exhibition, due to be taken down at the end of the month? Not one to resist a challenge, I thought long and hard for about 20 nannoseconds and said YES! So then I had to alert Charles to our new plans and hoped he'd agree, and start mugging up on the great man. Since I was due to stay 3 days with mea mater prior to meeting Charles this necessitated rising well before the lark (6am) and keeping the wols (as in Winnie the Pooh for the uninitiated) company at night (well until midnight anyway after which I turn into a sloth) in order to read all the necessary books and formulate a cunning plan for a critique of Mike's show.
Actually the research wasn't that arduous because I became captivated by Epstein's talent, energy, enthusiasm and refusal to bow to traditional approaches to sculpture (or anything else for that matter). A long day ensued at the Goldmark Gallery on the 29th January during which we dismantled most of the exhibition anyway, moving exhibits around (or rather getting others to do that since the sculptures are pretty heavy). Went rather well though I say it as shouldn't, and here for your delight and delectation is Charles captivated in turn by the breasts of the Shulamite Woman and Girl from Baku (so what's new?!) and Epstein's wonderful orgasmic 2nd portrait of Kathleen.
What else has been happening in January? Apart from some Brangwyn authentication reports for various London auction houses, I've been occupied learning Dreamweaver and trying to drag my Brangwyn website kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Charles has been working on Charlotte Bach and Fiore de Henriques and trying to protect Dot from his new hooligan hens, whilst the pair of us managed to finish FBSG Northampton. Toodle-pip!