The situation was marginally improved for Charles anyway by a sighting of the Romney Hythe and Dymchurch train! 

We tooled back to Old Romney and tried to do some outdoor shots in the drizzle, and were just about to call it a day when I fancied I saw a flash of blue sky so we then dashed over to St Mary in the Marsh and Ivychurch but by then the rain it was a-raining again! Photos indicate the bleakness and the wind.

By now we were late for our meeting with Sir Donald Sinden at St Clement's, Old Romney at midday and I wanted to dash but didn't dare add a speeding fine to my sins. The churchwardens had been in and the place looked spotless, flowers everywhere. Sir Donald was his usual exemplary professional self and I tried manfully or even womanfully to play my part asking him about the Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust, of which he is a Vice President and discussing generally the features of the church. This was followed by lunch at the Woolpack during which he kept us vastly amused with his hilarious stories all delivered with such aplomb. C&I tried the same jokes out on each other during the afternoon but our renditions fell completely flat.

Back to Film Farm the following day, a drying out session, a play with the letterpress which I can quite see I'm going to get completely hooked on, and thence back to Kent. About 10 days of grace before the next outing during which Charles has 2 sets of work related visitors and I have to drive to Yorkshire for another of mea mater's 90th birthday celebrations and want to work on the Christ's Hospital monograph. It's all go as someone once opined.