Left: Gordale Scar
Right: Charles recording water
Friday morning, and after an excellent breakfast (fried variety recommended by Charles, who has tested one or two in his time) we set off once again for Gordale Scar, this time somewhat wimpishly driving as near as we could to the site since we had the full gear to carry - large film camera, sound recording equipment, stills cameras x 2, tripod, huge umbrella, bags of extraneous extras. I use the word WE advisedly, since it is usually I (i.e. Libby) who is the beast of burden. For example, on the walk to the gorge from the car, I was encumbered overmuchly whilst Charles dallied with a light meter - and a lady we passed remarked, 'that's serious equipment, are you the porter?'. So now I have yet another job description - official bag carrier.
Meanwhile Charles was darting around photographing dead umbrellas - such activities no doubt have a cult following. And much recording of water - streams, waterfalls, rivulets, you name it, he 'done' it.

Left: Dead Umbrella at Malham Cove
Right: Parrot style dead umbrella at Gordale Scar
Luckily no climbers today, weather marginally improved, few people to mar the view, not a bad session - and Janet's Foss as beautiful and magical as yesterday promised. Lining up Piper's views somewhat difficult - I think artistic license may have been involved.
I found the only way I could possibly recapture the awe felt by those early pioneers was to view the Scar and waterfall upside down, make the cliffs crowd down upon me, force them to appear anthropomorphic.
We finally finished filming and photographing mid afternoon and decided to plot our own scenic route home via Skipton and Ilkley to the A1 which took no longer than the polluted and tedious AA version.
Tomorrow I return home - but only after insisting on the kipper brunch!